Landlord Insurance

Protect Your Properties with Landlord Insurance

You can protect your rental property investment with insurance designed specifically for owners of rental properties. There may be options to include coverage for medical payments and premises liability in the landlord policy.

Protecting Rental Properties

In general, landlord policies protect properties with one to four units, including apartments, condominiums, and single-family or multifamily homes you own or rent.

Premises Liability

One of the risks landlords face is liability for losses that occur on the rental property. Liability coverage protects you from bodily injury and property damage resulting from the use of your rental property. There are liability limits of $100,000 or higher.

Medical Payments

Liability coverage includes a $1,000 limit (higher limits are available), which can cover medical expenses incurred by someone injured on the property or due to a defect. If you or anyone else lives on the property regularly, this coverage does not apply to you.

Property Coverages

A landlord's insurance policy provides coverage for the rental property, other structures (such as a garage or shed), and the landlord's personal property inside the rental unit (such as household furnishings and appliances).

Loss of Use Coverage

Loss of use coverage may also help protect your income by providing protection for the fair rental value if the property is not livable while it is being fixed as a result of a loss. Coverage terms and limits apply.


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